Thursday, March 17, 2011

what girl is doing?

Girls can do a lot of stuffs to fulfill their time. Shopping is always come first when they are freeee. :)But for a girl who do not like to shopping alone, but cant found any accompany, what she is doing?

 Introduce a nice book here:

                                                 Men from Mars, women from Venus. :)

My sis had introduced me this book. It is discuss about the differences between men and women. The writer -John Gray wrote a lot of love quotes which is meaningful.  I had read a few pages only, some examples he gave really exactly same with the real situation of  relationship. I thk it is quite useful for couple to solve their relationship problem :D

                                              I am the kesian girl who cant find accompany.

                                                  Finally my accompany came back home!
                                         But too bad, I have to start working tomorrow.

I am feeling a bit lazy to go work, plan off for this weekend. When work and play come to you, really hard to make a decision. But for me,  I still have a long term of holidays, so work is what I had been choosing.

work as Digi promoter again at One Utama. Hope tmr have  good sales, at least can earn some commision. Gambatteh! ;D

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