Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The connection of fate :)

Like this mascot so much :D

Fate is so awkward,  all of the college mates who close to me know one of my secondary school friend, this let me feel that the world is so small.:)

 Even though today my car park far far away from uni because no parking nearby, someone block my car, I was sitting inside the car to wait the person to move his/her car. Guess what, the person is peijing! So many of cars double park, so many companies around, but the one who block my car is the person I know. 

College full of intimacy because of fate. Fate is just around me. {^.^}

Sem 2 busy period is coming, after this 4 weeks of exam, assignment and presentation, is time to have a lil relax. So now is time for me to study and work hard for it.

-stay tuned-

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